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openmediavault 6.0.6 und 6.4.9 Bugfix Release

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Die Open-Source NAS Lösung, für Speicher im Netzwerk, openmediavault, wurde aktualisiert und liegt nun in Version 6.4.9 und 6.0.6 vor.

openmediavault 6.4.9 Release Notes

  • Improve omv-btrfs-dfree command which is used by Samba on Btrfs file systems. Use the free space determined via statfs and df instead of the estimated value which was causing problems on several systems.
  • Get PCI vendor/subsystem ID of NVMe devices via sysfs.
  • Add the OMV_NFSD_OPTS environment variable to add custom arguments for rpc.nfsd. This can be used to specify the supported versions of NFS for example. Please check the rpc.nfsd man page for more information.

openmediavault 6.0.6 Release Notes

  • Update locale files.
  • Add environment variable OMV_OWNTONE_APP_CONTAINER_START_OPTIONS to append custom podman run arguments.

Quelle: Blog | openmediavault