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Nextcloud Desktop Client Release 3.12.1 veröffentlicht

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Der Desktopclient der Open-Source Cloudlösung Nextcloud ist in Version 3.12.1 veröffentlicht worden. Das Update für Windows, macOS und Linux behebt einige Fehler und sollte umgehend installiert werden, da es zur Stabilität bei Datei und Ordnersynchronisierungen beiträgt.

Nextcloud Desktop Client 3.12.1 Release Notes

  • [stable-3.12] Feature/detect open files by @backportbot in #6444
  • [stable-3.12] Settings dialog. Nextcloud version label should be visible even if auto-updates are turned off in config. by @backportbot in #6460
  • [stable-3.12] Use ‘FindMimeFromData’ from Win API instead of QMimeDatabase() functions to get the mimetype. Prevents freeze from VFS placeholders. by @backportbot in #6475
  • [stable-3.12] VFS. CfAPI. Provide detailed error message for leading ‘#’ placeholder update failure. by @backportbot in #6476
  • [stable-3.12] E2EE. Allow decryption v1.0 and v1.1 folders. by @backportbot in #6478
  • [stable-3.12] Fix crash when deleting a local sync folder during sync. by @backportbot in #6481
  • [stable-3.12] add extra logs to investigate lock type issues by @backportbot in #6465
  • [stable-3.12] Client Status Reporting. Only report statuses listed on the server. by @backportbot in #6494
  • [stable-3.12] Bugfix/e2ee v2 non-root sync by @backportbot in #6496
  • [stable-3.12] Bugfix. E2ee misleading log fix. by @backportbot in #6499
  • [stable-3.12] Bugfix/expandable folder status model by @backportbot in #6505
  • [stable-3.12] Bugfix. Federated share activity show ‘Decline’ action button. by @backportbot in #6506
  • [stable-3.12] Bugfix. Exclude list. Fix stuck ‘excluded’ status in Windows Explorer after removing the exclude pattern. by @backportbot in #6507
  • [stable-3.12] when moving a file, checks that it exists at origin or destination by @backportbot in #6509

Full Changelog: v3.12.0…v3.12.1


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