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Nextcloud Desktop Client Bugfix Release 3.8.1

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Die Nextcloud Desktop App der Open-Source Cloudlösung Nextcloud erhielt das Update 3.8.1. Dieses führt diverse Bugfixes durch die für einen stabilen Desktop Client sorgen soll.

Nextcloud Desktop Client 3.8.1 Changelog

  • desktop#5570 [stable-3.8] sort encrypted files by their id to compute checksum
  • desktop#5573 [stable-3.8] try different permutation to try to recover the broken checksum
  • desktop#5578 [stable-3.8] Fix unit tests SecureFileDrop
  • desktop#5582 [stable-3.8] Do not display error status and messages when aborting a sync during hydration request in VFS mode
  • desktop#5589 [stable-3.8] in case server has no private key, let e2ee init fail
  • desktop#5592 [stable-3.8] Edit locally. Restart current folder sync immediately after file opened.
  • desktop#5597 [stable-3.8] Alway add the item at the end of the layout.
  • desktop#5599 [stable-3.8] properly preserve the format of e2ee metadata during DB operations

Quelle: Release Release 3.8.1 · nextcloud/desktop · GitHub

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