Die Entwickler des beliebten CMS, Joomla, haben ein Bugfix Release zur aktuellen Hauptversion 3.8. veröffentlicht. Dieses behebt ca. 29 kleinere Fehler und kann wie gewohnt über das Backend automatisch installiert werden.

Einige wichtige Punkte sind:
- Fix handling of image srcset attribute #17978
- Some plugin events were triggered multiple times #18066
- Redirect plugin not redirecting correctly #17997
- Removed checks causing some admin menu items to be hidden #18156
- LDAP login broken #17989
Joomla 3.8.1 Bugfix Release
- 3.8.0 Restore fix for ShowOn multilevel field groups issue
- proxy function for window.listItemTask shouljd have a return value to…
- Fix cases that a submitted form has a multiple-value category id field (e.g. a filtering form), causing notices in article / record forms
- Fix top-level category allowed to be selected for new / existing records, despite disallowed via ACL core.create
- [com_fields] Display the custom fields admin menus only when enabled in the component
- Joomla 3.8.0: Disabled com_fields displayed in admin menu
- Menu Item Alias menu-selection issue
- Update menu.php
- Fix last http / https in the test data csv files
- [com_content] – regression missing placeholder in modal
- Fix all access levels granted to guest users when root_user (emergency recovery variable) is specified in configuration.php
- Fixes the double event firing
- 0 default value is not applied for custom fields
- [com_content] – category list/blog/featured sql error on postgresql
- Calendar Today: Items wrongly set to pending
- Fix allowedit for field, only use component ACL if field ID is zero (new record)
- Fix allowedit for field group, only use component ACL if group ID is zero (new record)
- Fix ACL checks for pagebreak, articles com_content layouts (and their editor XTD buttons) blocking legitimate editors
- Add strings for day and month to en-GB.ini
- [postgres] – fix quote escape in sample_testing
- Localised date formats for publishing state tooltip
- Fix for redirect url, duplicated url in redirect. causes more 404’s
- Atom feeed not displaying when Site Name in Page Titles is set
- Translate the label when custom fields are send via com_contact
- [Regression] – Set value as string when doing a strict comparison.
- Update fa-IR installation language
- LDAP broken in 3.8 No Code Attached Yet
- Check for JUri::base in each srcset url before converting
- Remove space in comment
Quelle: https://www.joomla.org/announcements/release-news/5715-joomla-3-8-1-release.html
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