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Tine 2022.05.11.468 Bugfix Release

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Für die Open-Source Groupware – Tine2.0 Community Edition steht auf Github eine neue Version bereit. Tine 2.0 CE synchronisiert E-Mails, Termine, Aufgaben und Kontakte mittels ActiveSync oder CalDAV mit Smartphones und anderen Geräten. Das Update behebt viele Fehler und bringt neue Funktionen.

Tine 2022.05.11.468 Release Notes


7aee1c7 feature(Task/js): deeplink for task
b0e02bf feature(Email): attachment previews in details panel
f7340c0 feature(Email): attachment previews in grid
8fc8ac9 feature(Tinebase): generic wait mask in windowFactory
cf14b30 feature(Email): add action updater for attachments
a4187d0 feature(HumanResources): edit timesheets on attendance stop
7960966 feature(HumanResources): color for attendance recorder icon
ef67eb7 feature(Felamimail): manage email recipients as token
73e1f5a feature(Sales): trac document UI
6b1a7fe feature(Sales): reversal UI
6c11f3d feature(Admin/js): allow edit grants for customfields
540f4cd feature(Tinebase): use apiTimeout for Ext.Direct requests
997fa1e feature(HumanResources): direct ts edit in attendance recorder
e115e4d feature(Tinebase): allow custom map service
a7eab4d feature(DFCom): add app
8379a2f feature(HR): attendanceRecorder UI


516e45cc97 fix(Email): open attachment previews sync
c6589925f5 fix(TB MFA) handle mfa removal from account better
b90d021e4d fix(Tinebase/js): prevent Jsonfield content override by empty value
fc3c5c23d4 fix(TB Export) FEresolved user fields rehydration needs skip validation
2a8b287a0f fix(TB Export) enable exception logging again
0d340066e4 fix(Tinebase): sort records with umlauts
b1e861a9f8 fix(Addressbook/Contact): allow get mailinglist contacts from type list
0c411f1e08 fix(Flamimail/Json): only resolve recipient headers with type string
6d7e34cfb4 fix(TB Export) keyfields convert to string by title, which should be value, not id
bd1a693e40 fix(Calendar/js): do not reopen event
04cb87f fix(Sales): invoice window does not close
81f249e fix(Tasks): do not reopen newly created tasks
471ee54 fix(TB) prevent cf/relation resolving recursion
6dd3eba fix(TB) prevent cf/relation resolving recursion
6d095fc fix(Felamimail/js): remove additional filter when search email addressses
fb9da60 fix(Felamimail) send tine20 flag to imap server
48790a0 fix(Tinebase): create new ImportExport Definitions fails
cf2ab85 fix(Timetracker): allow to update with manage & admin rights
cb73661 fix(Tinebase/js): fix undefined text in html2text
0facb28 fix(Addressbook/Frontend): return searchEmailAddress correct totalcount
8030fce fix(Tinebase): layout of more btn
2c13677 fix(Calendar) getMultiple does not take role rights into account
f174518 fix(Calendar) getMultiple does not take role rights into account
e6fba7a fix(HR Attendancerecorder) fix BL TS break issue
1792f9a fix(HumanResources): edit timesheet if series had pause
2c73925 fix(Tinebase): dbl loading animations
aebb560 fix(Tinebase/js): fix undefined text in html2text
aff0292 fix(HR AttendanceRecorder) fix transaction issue, improve minor stuff
1a0cb48 fix(Admin): update only internal systemAccounts
a10c93c fix(Courses) set transaction, allow FE confirmation to work
b26d00a fix(Course) createNewMember make use of twig account names
e7c824d fix(HR) fix broken filters
785271d fix(Sales Document) fix bad filter definition
672c569 fix(Sales Documents) adjust filter model for precursor properties
a3fcbf6 fix(Sales): recipients in order grid
8a8b49f fix(Sales Update) make –strict update work for sales
4e7087f fix(Admin/js): improve error message display when create new user
f2bb0c9 fix(Tasks): update alarms when due changes
078d7b1 fix(Setup/Controller): backup show warning if no email backen is configured
fe73164 fix(Tinebase): fire menu hide only if menu was rendered
ea6ba46 fix(TB FS/WebDAV) move from/to /shared acl confusion unsorted
01b80b7 fix(Sales): Boilerplate labels on change
36946cc fix(Tinebase): selectCombo tips of multiLang fileds
87a6a5a fix(Sales/HR) fix updates
f795dc3 fix(Felamimail/Message): convert multi recipients from .msg message file
811e92e fix(TB Setup) stop scarring people with log msg
a48fcdb fix(TB CF) fix cf update method
5016be1 fix(Tinebase/Ldap): update pw must change property
bbef78c fix(TB WebDAV) shared folder move issue
24c3ac6 fix(HR AttendanceRecorder) fix TZ, fix TS description clockIn/Pause/Out
49ac742 fix(TB MC) fix singularContainerMode
61e10b1 fix(Filemanager/js): handle independent gridPanel filter
658eb00 fix(Filemanager/test): improve testGrantsHelper for webdav tests
6f49ff7 fix(Humanresources): freetime in employeeEdit filters
cb7dedf fix(test) hr artefact issue re contracts/pwulf
799f550 fix(Calendar) improve delete transaction handling
9c40bdb fix(Felamimail/Imap): don’t throw if folder can’t be selected
28b6d6f fix(Sales/DemoData): also catch Tinebase_Exception_SystemGeneric exception
c85220b fix(HR AttendanceRecorder) BL TS added publicUsage, added test
79248c1 fix(HumanResources/Employee): allow to edit contracts
b0911c0 fix(Setup/Cli): backup emailusers with subConfig
3c00a7c fix(HumanResources/Update/15.10): catch duplicate exception
d1b537d fix(Tinebase): grid col auto sizing
4b04fd6 fix(HR AttendanceRecorder) fix clockPause, added tests
f22c825 fix(Tinebase): show all persisten filters
b31a146 fix(HR setup) fix favorite setup for daily/monthly wtr
020886f fix(TB MC) make use of extendsContainer less error prone
2309894 fix(HR AttendanceRecorder) fix double clockin with clockout graceful
5ba4679 fix(Tinebase): no container selector for container like records
068d796 fix(Timetracker): can’t select container
91a8648 fix(HR AttendanceRecorder) minor fix, added logging
362b521 fix(HR AttendanceRecorder) improve replay on outOfSequence clocking
7c2f250 fix(Tinebase): window ref missing for wrapped configs
d62a142 fix(Tinebase): remove customfield tab ‘NULL’
388ccf5 fix(Tinebase): async msg prompt/confirm
72adef9 fix(PollClient): Allow poll name to be null
0a997aa fix(Tinebase/Cli): improve minitoring check for email servers


69738dc refactor(Tinebase): arrow-btn html structure

Quelle: Release 2022.05.11.468 · tine20/tine20 · GitHub

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