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Pi-hole 4.3.2 Release

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Die Entwickler des Open-Source Tracking und Werbeblockers auf LInuxbasis, Pi-Hole, haben die neue Version 4.3.2 veröffentlicht. Neben vielen Fehlerkorrekturen wurden Listen wie Easylist / Easyprivacy entfernt, bzw. sofern du sie konfiguriert hast, ignoriert. Hintergrund ist das Format dieser Listen, die nie zum parsen in Hostfiles gedacht waren. Dadurch tragen zu viele False/Positiv Domainfilterungen auf.

Pi-hole 4.3.2 Release Notes


  • Simplify restarting code for pihole restartdns #2873 (Fixes #2869)
  • Remove the ZeusTracker blocklist from the defaults #2846 (Fixes #2843)
  • Fix for 404 error when browsing to http://pi.hole/ (without /admin) #2826
  • Fix for when dig also returns a CNAME #2865 (Fixes #2863)
  • Fix pihole -up showing FTL update when network is down #2820 (Fixes #1877)
  • Improve pid detection in pihole-FTL.service #2767
  • Fix uninstall causing 403 errors and not removing packages #2808
  • Fix pihole manpage to match code. #2822
  • Fix error when getting latest FTL tag from GitHub API #2882
  • Call pihole with full path in install and cronjobs. #2886 (Fixes #2860)
  • Add dhcp-ignore-names option when enabling DHCP service #2768 – Backport from v4.2
  • Restore pihole -q hosts format support and improve matching in edge cases #2891
  • Remove adblock list style support #2912


  • Replace fa-refresh with fa-sync #942 (Fixes #941)
  • Fix sorting of queries with identical timestamps #938 (Fixes #934)
  • Fix the sidebar toggle from overflowing when hovered over #946 (Fixes #945)
  • Add correct IP sorting for the ARP table #948 (Fixes #947)
  • Fix audit log button being too wide #935
  • Update font-awesome class for clock icon in Fontawesome 5 #957
  • Hide clients over time graph is no data is available #966 (Fixes #932)
  • Clarify that the router does not always have to be the DHCP server #967 (Fixes #893)
  • Always show the full requested range in the long-term API results #900
  • Prevent command injection via admin email #974
  • Don’t show the “Click to …” tooltip when filtering is disabled #972 (Fixes #971)
  • Feature: Batch audit requests #977
  • Prevent static DHCP leases from having duplicate hostnames #980 (Fixes #979)
  • Fix further broken font-awesome-icons #987
  • Fix missing icon for the whitelist button on the query log page #984 (Fixes #983)
  • Add TEMPERATURE_LIMIT setting #991
  • Removed outdated code #993


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