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phpMyAdmin Feature und Bugfix Release 5.2.0

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Die beliebte Webanwendung zur Administration von MySQL / MariaDB Datenbanken, phpMyAdmin, ist in Version 5.2.0 erschienen. Die neue Version behebt einige Fehler und bringt neue Funtkionen.

Highlights phpMyAdmin 5.2.0

  • Removed support for Microsoft Internet Explorer
  • Requires PHP 7.2 or newer
  • Requires the openssl PHP extension
  • Improved handling of system CA bundle and cacert.pem, falling back to Mozilla CA if needed
  • Replace “master/slave” terms with “primary/replica”
  • Add “NOT LIKE %…%” operator to Table search
  • Add support for the Mroonga engine
  • Add support for account locking
  • Several fixes and improvements to the SQL parser library

phpMyAdmin 5.2.0 Release Notes

 issue #16521 Upgrade Bootstrap to version 5
- issue #16521 Drop support for Internet Explorer and others
- issue        Upgrade to shapefile 3
- issue #16555 Bump minimum PHP version to 7.2
- issue        Remove the phpseclib dependency
- issue        Upgrade Symfony components to version 5.2
- issue        Upgrade to Motranslator 4
- issue #16005 Improve the performance of the Export logic
- issue #16829 Add "NOT LIKE %...%" operator to Table search
- issue #16845 Fixed some links not passing through url.php
- issue #16382 Remove apc upload progress method (all upload progress code was removed from the PHP extension)
- issue #16974 Replace zxcvbn by zxcvbn-ts
- issue #15691 Disable the last column checkbox in the column list dropdown instead of not allowing un-check
- issue #16138 Ignore the length of integer types and show a warning on MySQL >= 8.0.18
- issue        Add support for the Mroonga engine
- issue        Double click column name to directly copy to clipboard
- issue #16425 Add "DELETE FROM" table on table operations page
- issue #16482 Add a select all link for table-specific privileges
- issue #14276 Add support for account locking
- issue #17143 Use composer/ca-bundle to manage the CA cert file
- issue #17143 Require the openssl PHP extension
- issue #17171 Remove the printview.css file from themes
- issue #17203 Redesign the export and the import pages
- issue #16197 Replace the master/slave terminology
- issue #17257 Replace libraries/vendor_config.php constants with an array
- issue        Add the Bootstrap theme
- issue #17499 Remove stickyfilljs JavaScript dependency

Quelle: phpMyAdmin – ChangeLog

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