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OnlyOffice Desktop Editors 7.0.1 Bugfix Release


Die Kollektion des kostenlosen OnlyOffice Desktop Editors wurde Anfang des Monats aktualisiert und liegt nun in Version 7.0.1 vor.

New Features

All Editors

  • Spelling language detection

Spreadsheet Editor

  • French (Switzerland) regional setting (Bug #53978)


Document Editor

  • Fix changes in text position (Bug #54485)
  • Fix JS error while changing font in some files (Bug #55280)
  • Fix the problem with calculating the position of flow objects lying in a table cell (Bug #51933)
  • Fix the problem with calculating the position of a drawing object in the header (Bug #55398)
  • Fix the problem with calculating header/footer. Forbid to change the page number of a header when calculation in progress (Bug #55403)
  • Fix the problem with calculating the position of a drawing lying in a table cell with vertical alignment to the bottom or center (Bug #55406)
  • Fix the problem with calculating page count stage (Bug #55458)
  • Fix the problem with text position calculation for rotated table cells (Bug #54200)
  • Fix Shift + ‘(‘ shortcut (Bug #55356)

Spreadsheet Editor

  • Fix opening protected workbook in Excel (Bug #55027)
  • Fix JS error while Find and Replace empty cell (Bug #54999)
  • Fix compatibility of some files with Excel (Bug #54956)

Presentation Editor

  • Fix shape position in slideshow mode (Bug #55068)


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