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Docker Engine Update 20.10.15

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Die freie Software zur Containervirtualisierung, Docker erhielt das Engine Update 20.10.15. Das Update aktualisiert compose, buildx, containerd und runc.

Docker Engine Version 20.10.15 Release Notes


  • Use a RWMutex for stateCounter to prevent potential locking congestion moby/moby#43426.
  • Prevent an issue where the daemon was unable to find an available IP-range in some conditions moby/moby#43360


  • Update Docker Compose to v2.5.0.
  • Update Docker Buildx to v0.8.2.
  • Update Go runtime to 1.17.9.
  • Update containerd ( package) to v1.6.4.
  • Update runc version to v1.1.1.
  • Add packages for CentOS 9 stream and Fedora 36.

Quelle: Docker Engine release notes | Docker Documentation

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