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Debian Security Advisory DSA-5150-1 rsyslog

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Am 28.05.2022 wurde ein Paketupdate von syslog veröffentlicht. Peter Agten hat mehere Buffer Overflow Lücken in den Logging Daemon des Debian Kernels, gefunden.

Package : rsyslog
CVE ID : CVE-2022-24903
Debian Bug : 1010619

  • For the oldstable distribution (buster), this problem has been fixed in version 8.1901.0-1+deb10u2.
  • For the stable distribution (bullseye), this problem has been fixed in version 8.2102.0-2+deb11u1.

Info Debian Rsyslog: Debian — Security Information — DSA-5150-1 rsyslog
Debian Security: Debian — Sicherheits-Informationen

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