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Tine 2.0 CE 2022.08.20.85 veröffentlicht

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Die Open-Source Groupware Tine2.0 wurde aktualisiert. Wie angekündigt werden nun auch kleinere Updates veröffentlicht und so auch dieses, dass 4 Features bringt und 10 Fehler korrigiert.

tine 2.0 CE 2022.08.20.85 Release Notes


858b4bf feature(Tinebase): remember pos. of popup windows
3fcfa91 feature(GDPR): data expirydate and auto delete expired contact Data
d9aab43 feature(Tinebase/js): check outdated client before bootstrapping code
01624fe feature(uploadmanager): use localforage db


caaa20c fix(TB ForeignRecord Filter) fix FE sending records as ids
63ac15e fix(TB Filter ForeignRecord) fix option recursion problem (gdpr)
06842d6 fix(TB Filter ForeignRecord) fix option recursion problem (gdpr)
27855c5 fix(Tinebase/Expressive): more sanitizing for subdir installations
5a34f1a fix(Felamimail/js): recipients should be editable in mass mailing mode
d6c4e4e fix(Sales/Address): only work on existing related_records
b42713f fix(Felamimail) contact name stored in n_fileas
fcb6685 fix(Felamimail/js): update folder when imap and cache total count mismatch
5495fcb fix(Tinebase): customField config doesn´t work
714e284 fix(Tinebase): force registry reload when authenticated browser does second login

Quelle: Release 2022.08.20.85 · tine20/tine20 · GitHub

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