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Roundcube Webmailer Security Update 1.4.7, 1.3.14 und1.2.11

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Der Webmail Roundube erhielt in den Stablezweigen 1.4.7 und den LTS Zweigen 1.3 und 1.2 ein Sicherheitsupdate. Zudem enthält die Version 1.4.7 noch einige Bugfixes. Das Sicherheitsupdate verhindert einen XSS Angriff mittels manipulierter E-Mail mit svg/namespace.

Roundcube 1.4.7 Release Notes

  • Fix bug where subfolders of special folders could have been duplicated on folder list
  • Increase maximum size of contact jobtitle and department fields to 128 characters
  • Fix missing newline after the logged line when writing to stdout (#7418)
  • Elastic: Fix context menu (paste) on the recipient input (#7431)
  • Fix problem with forwarding inline images attached to messages with no HTML part (#7414)
  • Fix problem with handling attached images with same name when using database_attachments/redundant_attachments (#7455)
  • Security: Fix cross-site scripting (XSS) via HTML messages with malicious svg/namespace


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