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PrestaShop 8.0.2 Security und Bugfix Release

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Der beliebte Webshop PrestaShop erhielt das Update 8.0.2. Das Release schließt eine Sicherheitslücke die mittels Cross-Site-Request-Forgery (CSRF) ausgenutzt werden kann und behebt diverse Fehler im Back- und Front Office, sowie im Core und weiteren Teilen von PrestaShop.

PrestaShop 8.0.2 Release Notes


Back Office

  • Bug fix:
    • #30957: Redirect to product list with warning message instead of raising an exception when we try to access a product which doesn’t exist (by @lartist)
    • #31514: Fix sorting attribute do not works (by @mflasquin)
    • #31667: Catch PrestaShopException to validate sql-requests properly in PHP 8.X (by @boherm)
    • #31654: Fix addslashes not working (by @mflasquin)
    • #31603: Fix generating of preload.tpl (by @kpodemski)
    • #30962: Module from theme with tab using SF routing fails after enabling the theme (by @jolelievre)
    • #29358: Fix price formatting in MoneyType (by @zuk3975)
    • #29647: BO – Import files – Do not show generated csv files from import/csvfromexcel folder in history of uploaded files (by @mflasquin)
    • #30415: Fix applying special char on translations (by @mflasquin)
    • #29488: Module translations no longer take translations from another lang if its default one. (by @margud)
    • #29837: Avoid possibility to create product with combinations when combinations feature is disabled (by @mflasquin)
    • #30818: Fix access for read only permissions (by @dingedi)
    • #30745: Load default language if employee id lang does not exist (by @mflasquin)

Front Office


Web Services


  • Bug fix:
    • #29751: Fixed testsuite with sebastian/comparator release (by @nicosomb)
  • Refactoring:

Quelle: Release PrestaShop 8.0.2 · PrestaShop/PrestaShop · GitHub

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