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phpMyAdmin Maintenance Release 4.7.3

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Die Entwickler des beliebten MySQL Tools für den Browser, phpMyAdmin, haben am 20.07.2017 das geplante Release 4.7.3 veröffentlicht.

phpMyAdmin 4.7.3 Release Notes

  • issue #13447 Large multi-line query removes Export operation and blanks query box options
  • issue #13445 Fixed rendering of query results
  • issue #13437 Fixed version check when not connected to a database
  • issue #13465 Fixed creating relation
  • issue #13475 Fixed export without backquotes
  • issue #13482 Improved handling of uploaded files with open_basedir
  • issue #13387 Fixed inline editing of hex values
  • issue #13382 Fixed size of index edit dialog
  • issue #13489 Fixed rendering SQL lint errors
  • issue #13468 Avoid breakage if set_time_limit is disabled
  • issue #13471 Fail if ini_set/ini_get are disabled
  • issue #13436 Automatically connect using SSL when server is configured so
  • issue #13478 Fixed usage of some browser transformations


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