Die Entwickler der Open-Source Firewall, pfSense, haben vor ein paar Tagen das Security und Bugfix Update in Version 2.3.3-p1 veröffentlicht. Neben dem Update von FreeBSD auf die Version 1.3 p17 wurde auch cURL auf die Version 7.53.0 aktualisiert.

pfSense 2.3.3-p1 Release Notes
Security / Errata
- Updated to FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p17
- FreeBSD-SA-17:02.openssl (CVE-2016-7055, CVE-2017-3731, CVE-2017-3732)
- Upgraded cURL to 7.53.0 (CVE-2017-2629)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issues with the upgrade check seeing the version of pfSense-upgrade instead of pfSense in some circumstances. #7343
- Fixed handling of domain-only (@ record) updates for CloudFlare Dynamic DNS #7357
- Fixed a problem with the Dynamic DNS Widget where RFC2136 entries showed an incorrect status #7290
- Fixed Dynamic DNS status widget formatting for medium with browser window #7301
- Fixed a problem with HTML tags showing in certificate description drop-down lists in the Certificate Manager #7296
- Fixed an error loading some older rules with ICMP types #7299
- Fixed display of selected ICMP types for old rules without an ipprotocol option set #7300
- Fixed Log widget filter interface selection with custom interface descriptions #7306
- Fixed the widget Filter All button so it does not affect all widgets #7317
- Fixed the password reset script so it resets the expiration date for the admin account when run, to avoid the user still being locked out #7354
- Fixed the password reset script so it properly handles the case when the admin account has been removed from config.xml #7354
- Fixed input validation of TCP State Timeout on firewall rules so it is not arbitrarily limited to a maximum of 3600 seconds #7356
- Fixed console settings for XG-1540/XG-1541 to use the correct default console #7358
- Fixed initial setup handling of VLAN interfaces when they were assigned at the console before running the Setup Wizard #7364
- Fixed display of OpenSSL and input errors when working in the Certificate Manager #7370
- Fixed Captive Portal „disconnect all“ button
- Fixed pkg handling timeouts #6594
- Updated blog URL in the RSS widget
- Removed whirlpool from the list of CA/certificate digest algorithms since it does not work #7370
Quelle: https://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/2.3.3-p1_New_Features_and_Changes
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