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OnlyOffice Community Server 12.5.2


Der OnlyOffice Document Server CE erhielt das Update 12.5.2, dass viele Fehlerkorrekturen in u.a. Kalendermodul, CRM, Control Panel, Mail Modul uvm. durchführt. OnlyOffice Document Server beinhaltet:

  • Cross platform solution: Linux, Windows
  • Document management
  • Integration with Google Drive, Box, Dropbox, OneDrive, OwnCloud
  • File sharing
  • Document embedding
  • Access rights management
  • Customizable CRM
  • Web-to-lead form
  • Invoicing system
  • Project Management
  • Gantt Chart
  • Milestones, task dependencies and subtasks
  • Time tracking
  • Automated reports
  • Blogs, forums, polls, wiki
  • Calendar
  • Email Aggregator
  • People module (employee database)
  • Support of more than 20 languages

OnlyOffice Community Server 12.5.2 Release Notes

General portal changes

  • Fixed issue with Interface Theme and Contact Information arranging incorrectly upon reducing window width in People (Bug #62061).
  • Fixed issue with an uploaded folder appearing only after reloading the page (Bug #61506).
  • Fixed issue in CRM when address not appearing in the Invoice generated through the Invoice tab on the contact page (Bug #62050).
  • Fixed issue in Calendar when an event from an attached ics file not synchronized via the CalDAV protocol (Bug #62048).
  • Increased horizontal scroll in Desktop editors when connected to a portal (Bug #62153).
  • Fixed issue with Show backup codes button would not working in People (Bug #62159).
  • Fixed issue with downloading letters for LDAP users (Bug #58469).
  • Fixed issue with installation/upgrade on Windows Server 2012.
  • Fixed the inability to download a >5 MB file from an external access folder.
  • Added translation of comments in source code into English.
  • Fixed styles for Dark mode.
  • Fixed styles for SSO.
  • Refactoring of AutoCleanUp.
  • Improvements for building server versions.
  • Fixed dependency installation for python version 3.11 or later.
  • Fixed moving backup file after backup to s3.
  • Quota: fixed SetTenantQuotaRow function.
  • Refactoring of DbManager.

Documents module

  • Added conversion of dps, dpt, et, ett, htm, mhtml, stw, sxc, sxi, sxw, wps, wpt, and xlsb files to supported formats.

Quelle: CommunityServer/ at master · ONLYOFFICE/CommunityServer · GitHub

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