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Nextcloud Talk App 15.0.4 Update

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Die Talk App der Open-Source Cloudlösung Nextcloud erhielt das Update 15.0.4, dass ein Feature bringt und Fehler behebt.

Nextcloud Talk App 15.0.4 Release Notes


Make "End call for everyone" available for moderators all the time #8767


Update some dependencies


Show tooltip for conversations with a long title #8659
Don't break the maps app with the Talk Files sidebar integration #8590
Only register the maps integration when the user is allowed to use Talk #8591
Fix missing "Unread mentions" floating button since Nextcloud 25 theming update #8603
Fix button style while being in a call #8671
Only filter mentions for participants of the conversation #8665
Fix interaction of self-joined users with multiple sessions when navigating away #8729

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