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Nextcloud 12.0.3 veröffentlicht

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Die Open-Source Cloudlösung, Nextcloud, erhielt vor ein paar Tagen das kleinere Upate 12.0.3. Das Release behebt 64 Fehler und sorgen durch Änderungen für mehr Stabilität aber auch Sicherheit. In der Version 11 wurde zeitlich das Update 11.0.5 veröffentlicht. Zu den Verbesserungen zählen:

Nextcloud 12.0.3 WebUpdate
Nextcloud 12.0.3 WebUpdate
  • A number of improvements to email notification templates
  • 2FA enhancements
  • Smarter LDAP password handling
  • File Drop and upload-in-general updates
  • A performance improvement handling large files
  • Dozens of smaller translation, UI and bugfixes
Nextcloud 12.0.3 Update
Nextcloud 12.0.3 Update

Nextcloud 12.0.3 Release Notes

[stable12] Bump version to 

[stable12] Fix AppPassword 2FA auth 


 12.0.3 RC1 

 [stable12] Use the language of the recipient for the share notification 

 [stable12] not to backquote LIMIT on CalDavBackend.php 

 [stable12] Still throw a locked exception when the path is not relative to $user/files/ 

 [stable12] Ask the schema whether the table and column exist 

 [stable12] Allow translations of the comments activity in the emails too 

 [stable12] Fix failing csp/nonce check due to timed out session 

 [stable12] Fix hovering on all popover types 

 [stable12] Use tmpfs for mysql CI containers 

 [stable12] Don’t log LDAP password when server is not available 

 [stable12] Fix undefined index oauthState 

 [stable12] Fix group check on share provider 

 Backport email update 

 [stable12] Use separate element color in theming 

 [12] Remove tmpFiles Array in Swift.php 

 [stable12] Correctly format OCS response with favorites 

 [stable12] add a new dav event to allow apps to register their own sabredav plugins 

 [stable12] Improve 2FA 

 [Stable12] specify slo url 


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