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BigBlueButton 2.6.7 Bugfix Release

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Die Entwickler des Open-Source Webkonferenzsystems mit Integration in verschiedene Lern- und Inhaltsplattformen, haben das Bugfix Release 2.6.7 veröffentlicht. Dieses Releases beheb Fehler u.a. im HTML5 Client und Core. Die Updates sorgen so für mehr Stabilität des Webkonferenzsystems BigBlueButton.

BigBlueButton 2.6.7 Release Notes

HTML5 client


  • fix: Joining a meeting with pinned shared notes you don’t see presentation area by @ramonlsouza in #17829
  • fix (html5): User prevent the second user from opening private chat by @gustavotrott in #17867
  • fix: Toast notifications shows again when the language is switched by @ramonlsouza in #17822
  • fix: editable polls. by @Scroody in #17837
  • fix: Making poll results editing possible to presenter by @Scroody in #17879
  • fix: Order of first and last names in save users by @Scroody in #17868
  • fix(poll): fix Yes/No quick poll button by @hiroshisuga in #17827
  • fix: Closed captions hindering elements by @Scroody in #17846
  • fix(bbb-html5): Inconsistent current presentation indicator by @danielpetri1 in #17777
  • fix: Update Question Regex to Exclude URLs by @KDSBrowne in #17561
  • fix: overlapping screen end alerts and invisible cameras on reconnections by @AtilaU19 in #17554
  • refactor: ensure setTimeout and clearTimeout run within Fiber by @antobinary in #17821



  • Translate en.json in tr_TR [Manual Sync] by @transifex-integration[bot] in #17901
  • Translate en.json in de [Manual Sync] by @transifex-integration[bot] in #17898


build and configuration

  • fix(freeswitch): include signalwire PR 1914 as a patch (backport from 2.7) by @prlanzarin in #17789

Recording / recording docs

  • fix(config): check status of other recording formats by @GuiLeme in #16723
  • refactor: clarify information on docs regarding recording by @GuiLeme in #17865


  • docs: Update to include info about integration with T… by @antobinary in #17848
  • docs: Update location of default.pdf and favicon.ico — assets/ in #17849
  • docs: Add lockSettingsHideUserList param and fix lockSettingsDisableNotes by @gustavotrott in #17656

Full Changelogv2.6.6…v2.6.7


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