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Backpack Battles Patch 0.9.9

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Entwickler PlayWithFurcifer hat ein Patch für das Strategiespiel Backpack Battles veröffentlicht.

Backpack Battles Patch Notes:



  • Serpent Staff: Damage +2
  • Critwood Staff: Damage +1
  • Spiked Staff: Damage +2
  • Thornbloom: Empower chance 30% -> 35%
  • King Crown: Mana cost 12 -> 10
  • King Goobert: Mana cost 6 -> 5
  • Pandamonium: Added 1 star slot
  • Ruby Egg / Ruby Whelp: Start of battle Heat 3 -> 4
  • Vampiric Potion: Lifesteal 15 -> 17
  • Stone Helm: Block 20 -> 25


  • Burning Banner: Cooldown 3.2s -> 3.4s
  • Draconic Orb: Cooldown 3.5s -> 3.8s
  • Staff of Fire: Damage +2
  • Burning Blade: Damage +1


  • Shaman Mask: Cooldown 3.2s -> 3.4s
  • Wolf Emblem: Crit chance per pet 10% -> 12%
  • Double Axe: Cooldown 2s -> 1.8s


  • Hedgehog: Block 10 -> 15
  • Rat: Poison chance 70% -> 75%
  • Piercing Arrow: Critical damage bonus 35% ->40%
  • Bow and Arrow: Cost 8g -> 7g
  • Belladonna’s Whisper: Damage to inflict Poison 8 -> 7


  • Miss Fortune: Cooldown 2.3s -> 2.1s
  • Snake: Health per pet: 30 -> 40
  • Demonic Flask: Cost 8g -> 7g
  • Cauldron: Heal 17 -> 20


  • Fixed a bug with cloud saves for started runs
  • Lump of Coal (armor) now benefits from King Crown / King Goobert
  • Platinum Customer Card is now affected by Piggy Bank and activates at the start of battle


  • Some wording improvements
  • Added an animation when Sun Shield deals damage

Quelle: Backpack Battles: Steam-News-Hub (

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