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Path of Exile – Patch 2.3.0e veröffentlicht

Path of Exile

Das  neuseeländischen Spieleentwicklerunternehmen Grinding Gear Games hat heute ein Update für ihr  Fantasy-Action-Rollenspiel Path of Exile veröffentlicht. Der Patch 2.3.0e behebt einige Bugs und bringt viele Verbesserungen. Zur Zeit beschäftigt sich das Team hauptsächlich damit, die Performance des Spiels zu verbessern.

Mehr Details zum Patch findet ihr in den Patchnotes:

  • Enabled 8 new prophecies.
  • Fixed a bug where all exiles spawned by Strongboxes were Torr Olgosso.
  • Reduced the amount of loading you need to do when joining town instances that contain other players.
  • Shield Charge now has 20% less area of effect and the maximum distance has been increased from 50 to 60.
  • The number of targets that Discharge can hit has been increased from 20 to 30.
  • Various monsters spawned by prophecies have been renamed.
  • All rare or magic monsters spawned by prophecies now have unusable corpses.
  • The costs for sealing the prophecy Plaguemaw I have been substantially reduced.
  • The prophecy Wind and Thunder now requires a higher level for it to be acquired.
  • Exiles in the Deadly Rivalry chain will now have Brutal Shrine instead of Hexing Shrine.
  • Fixed a bug where Yriel, the Feral Lord could not be summoned during the encounter with Ventarus in the Feral Lord V prophecy.
  • Fixed a bug where Ossecati, Boneshaper was summoning the wrong monsters when taking damage.
  • Fixed a bug where NPCs were not playing their greetings and farewells as often as they should.
  • Fixed a bug where the prophecy “The Twins” was causing various unique maps to fail to open.
  • Fixed various bad cases of Masters and shrines spawning in the Solaris Temple and the Crematorium.
  • Various hideout decorations which were accidentally released in an unfinished state have been deleted. The favour spent on purchasing them has been refunded.
  • Improved the quest tracker text on various prophecies.

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