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Grafana Feature und Bugfix Release 10.0.3 veröffentlicht

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Die plattformübergreifende Open-Source-Anwendung zur grafischen Darstellung, Auswertung und Benachrichtigung von Daten aus verschiedenen Datenquellen wie z. B. InfluxDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Prometheus und Graphite, Grafana, erhielt das Update 10.0.3.

Grafana 10.0.3 Release Notes

Features and enhancements

  • Alerting: Sort NumberCaptureValues in EvaluationString. #71931@grobinson-grafana
  • Alerting: No longer silence paused alerts during legacy migration. #71761@JacobsonMT
  • Auth: Add support for custom signing keys in auth.azure_ad. #71708@Jguer
  • Chore: Upgrade Go to 1.20.6. #71445@sakjur
  • Chore: Upgrade Go to 1.20.6. (Enterprise)

Bug fixes

  • Alerting: Fix edit / view of webhook contact point when no authorization is set. #71972@gillesdemey
  • AzureMonitor: Set timespan in Logs Portal URL link. #71910@aangelisc
  • Plugins: Only configure plugin proxy transport once. #71742@wbrowne
  • Elasticsearch: Fix multiple max depth flatten of multi-level objects. #71636@fridgepoet
  • Elasticsearch: Fix histogram colors in backend mode. #71447@gabor
  • Alerting: Fix state in expressions footer. #71443@soniaAguilarPeiron
  • AppChromeService: Fixes update to breadcrumb parent URL. #71418@torkelo
  • Elasticsearch: Fix using multiple indexes with comma separated string. #71322@gabor
  • Alerting: Fix Alertmanager change detection for receivers with secure settings. #71320@JacobsonMT
  • Transformations: Fix extractFields throwing Error if one value is undefined or null. #71267@svennergr
  • XYChart: Point size editor should reflect correct default (5). #71229@Develer
  • Annotations: Fix database lock while updating annotations. #71207@sakjur
  • TimePicker: Fix issue with previous fiscal quarter not parsing correctly. #71093@ashharrison90
  • AzureMonitor: Correctly build multi-resource queries for Application Insights components. #71039@aangelisc
  • AzureMonitor: Fix metric names for multi-resources. #70994@asimpson
  • Logs: Do not insert log-line into log-fields in json download. #70954@gabor
  • Loki: Fix wrong query expression with inline comments. #70948@svennergr

Quelle: Release 10.0.3 (2023-07-18) · grafana/grafana · GitHub