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Roundcube Webmailer Bugfix Release 1.5.3

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Der beliebte kostenlose Webmail Roundcube ist in Version 1.5.3 erschienen. Das Update behebt einige kleinere Fehler und Warnings die unter PHP8 auftreten. Nebenbei ist auch der erste Release Candidate 1.6 erschienen.


Roundcube 1.5.3 Release Notes

  • Enigma: Fix initial synchronization of private keys
  • Enigma: Fix double quoted-printable encoding of pgp-signed messages with no attachments (#8413)
  • Fix various PHP8 warnings (#8392)
  • Fix mail headers injection via the subject field on mail compose (#8404)
  • Fix bug where small message/rfc822 parts could not be decoded (#8408)
  • Fix setting HTML mode on reply/forward of a signed message (#8405)
  • Fix handling of RFC2231-encoded attachment names inside of a message/rfc822 part (#8418)
  • Fix bug where some mail parts (images) could have not be listed as attachments (#8425)
  • Fix bug where attachment icons were stuck at the top of the messages list in Safari (#8433)
  • Fix handling of message/rfc822 parts that are small and are multipart structures with a single part (#8458)
  • Fix bug where session could time out if DB and PHP timezone were different (#8303)
  • Fix bug where DSN flag state wasn’t stored with a draft (#8371)
  • Fix broken encoding of HTML content encapsulated in a RTF attachment (#8444)
  • Fix problem with aria-hidden=true on toolbar menus in the Elastic skin (#8517)
  • Fix bug where title tag content was displayed in the body if it contained HTML tags (#8540)
  • Fix support for DSN specification without host e.g. pgsql:///dbname (#8558)

Quelle: Release Roundcube Webmail 1.5.3 · roundcube/roundcubemail · GitHub

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