Durch eine neue Integration von Twitter in den beliebten Open-Source Chatserver, Rocket.chat, soll es nun möglich sein, seinen Kunden und mehr Service und eine schnellere Kommunikation zu bieten.

Die Twitter App wird wie folgt in Rocket.Chat hinzugefügt:
- in Rocket.Chat,
- das Administration panel aufrufen
- im Marketplace Twitter suchen und
- mit einem Klick auf “Install” die Subscription für 25USD ausführen
- nun den Wizard in weniger als 5 Minuten befolgen und Twitter ist in Rocket.Chat integriert.
Weitere Informationen unter: https://docs.rocket.chat/guides/apps-guides/omnichannel-apps/twitter-app/twitter-app-installation
Handling customer service on multiple social media channels is often messy for businesses. Multiple messages spread across different inboxes can seriously impact your CSAT score and harm team productivity.
With Rocket.Chat, companies can centralize their entire customer service in one single platform, embracing the most relevant social channels – Facebook Messenger, Twitter, WhatsApp, and more.
But it doesn’t end there: the Twitter app offers specific features to help businesses deliver exceptional customer service experience. Check them out.
Define specific teams to manage Twitter
By connecting Twitter to Rocket.Chat, you can define a Department or Team to be responsible for handling your Twitter customers. This facilitates tracking the agents’ performance on Omnichannel’s dashboard later on.
Enable agents to send/receive files from Twitter users:
As customer service goes beyond text-only messages, this feature allows customers to send:
- All types of media to companies
- Images and GIFs only
- Video only
Let customers know when your team is available
Rocket.Chat allows you to set public working hours when your team is working, and even create a personalized response in case your team isn’t able to pick up a new ticket immediately.
Delight customers with personalized messages
Customize welcome/goodbye messages to be sent to customers whenever they get in touch with you.
Choose whether to hide or show your agent’s name
Showing the agent name is optional for Twitter users. If you wish to hide it, simply choose “none” inside Rocket.Chat.
Ready to get the best out of your customer service team?
Take the first step with Rocket.Chat, the remote-first hub to have both team collaboration and customer support in a single place. Leverage a secure and customizable platform hub with endless apps, bots and communication tools to boost customer support.
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