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PHP Bugfix Release 8.3.4 und 8.2.17

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Die Entwickler von PHP haben vor wenigen Tagen die neuen Versionen PHp 8.3.4 und PHP 8.2.17 veröffentlicht. Beides sind Bugfix Releases die einige Fehler korrigieren und so für die Stabilität von PHP sorgen.

PHP 8.3.4 Release Notes

  • Core:
    • Fix ZTS persistent resource crashes on shutdown.
  • Curl:
    • Fix failing tests due to string changes in libcurl 8.6.0.
  • DOM:
    • Fix unlikely memory leak in case of namespace removal with extremely deep trees.
    • Fix reference access in dimensions for DOMNodeList and DOMNodeMap.
  • Fileinfo:
    • Fixed bug GH-13344 (finfo::buffer(): Failed identify data 0:(null), backport).
  • FPM:
    • Fixed bug #75712 (getenv in php-fpm should not read $_ENV, $_SERVER).
  • GD:
    • Fixed bug GH-12019 (detection of image formats in system gd library).
  • MySQLnd:
    • Fixed bug GH-11950 ([mysqlnd] Fixed not to set CR_MALFORMED_PACKET to error if CR_SERVER_GONE_ERROR is already set).
  • PDO:
    • Fix various PDORow bugs.
  • PGSQL:
    • Fixed bug GH-13354 (pg_execute/pg_send_query_params/pg_send_execute with null value passed by reference).
  • SPL:
    • Fixed bug GH-13531 (Unable to resize SplfixedArray after being unserialized in PHP 8.2.15).
  • Standard:
    • Fixed bug GH-13279 (Instable array during in-place modification in uksort).
    • Fixed array key as hash to string (case insensitive) comparison typo for the second operand buffer size (albeit unused for now).
  • XML:
    • Fixed bug GH-13517 (Multiple test failures when building with –with-expat).


PHP 8.2.17 Release Notes

  • Core:
    • Fix ZTS persistent resource crashes on shutdown.
  • Curl:
    • Fix failing tests due to string changes in libcurl 8.6.0.
  • DOM:
    • Fix reference access in dimensions for DOMNodeList and DOMNodeMap.
  • Fileinfo:
    • Fixed bug GH-13344 (finfo::buffer(): Failed identify data 0:(null), backport).
  • FPM:
    • Fixed bug #75712 (getenv in php-fpm should not read $_ENV, $_SERVER).
  • GD:
    • Fixed bug GH-12019 (detection of image formats in system gd library).
  • MySQLnd:
    • Fixed bug GH-11950 ([mysqlnd] Fixed not to set CR_MALFORMED_PACKET to error if CR_SERVER_GONE_ERROR is already set).
  • PGSQL:
    • Fixed bug GH-13354 (pg_execute/pg_send_query_params/pg_send_execute with null value passed by reference).
  • Standard:
    • Fixed array key as hash to string (case insensitive) comparison typo for the second operand buffer size (albeit unused for now).


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