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Fireworks Mania Update V2022.5.1 Experimental


Für den Feuerwerks Simulator Fireworks Mania hat der Entwickler Laumania ApS ein Experimental Update veröffentlicht.


  • Changed pickup distance so you now need to be a bit closer before you can pickup objects
  • Changed pickup hand to the left hand (why? See below)
  • Added new logic so if you pickup an object that can be ignited, the Torch will show up in your right hand, to indicate that you can ignite it
  • Added visual indicator to show how much throwing force you are currently applying to the object you are holding. At this moment the visuals are very simple, hope to come up with something a bit better looking in the future


  • Fixed bug where blue „placeholder“ felt through the ground
  • Fixed bug where „E: Pickup“ UI stayed on screen if you loaded an blueprint
  • Fixed bug where fence post, as the only fence part, could be picked up


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