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Cacti Monitoring Update 1.2.24

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Für die freie Webmonitoring Software Cacti wurde vor einigen Tagen das Update 1.2.24 veröffentlicht. Bei diesem handelt es sich um ein Bugfix und Security Release.

Cacti 1.2.24 Release Notes

issue5127Unable to import Local Linux Machine template
issue5134Maximum Memory shows -1 instead of Unlimited
issue5135RRDcleaner and RRDcheck share the same filter details causing errors
issue5136When passed a null value, number_format_i18n() can return a invalid number by ddb4github
issue5137When attempting to update structured paths, SQL errors can occur
issue5140Compatibility changes for SNMP under PHP 8.2
issue5142Fix issues with permission model and warnings
issue5143When a Device has zero Graphs or Data Sources, it does not display a value
issue5145Changing SNMP settings to None leaves Bulk Walk Maximum Repititions visible
issue5147Language handlers may not always be loaded properly
issue5150Wrong parameters are shown for the Import Package script
issue5151Templates appear to lose their suggested name values
issue5159When editing a tree, the tree can not be set to published
issue5160Translations on debian ‘bookworm’ systems may cause server errors
issue5161Switching language in the settings does not immediately become active
issue5166Plugin permissions may sometimes appear in the wrong section by ddb4github
issue5167Graph template for NetSNMP lmsensors missing
issue5168Import Package is misleading when reviewing Device Template Changes
issue5169Device failure and recovery dates can be misleading
issue5170Prevent remote polling functionality from running on main poller
issue5174When adding a new device, location is not being saved
issue5180Audit Database has issues with storage engine compare
issue5181When working with remote data collectors, some errors may be logged
issue5182Graph Image does not have check for Remote Agent
issue5184When a user has been deleted, checking permissions can cause errors
issue5185Repair Database does not prune old Poller Item Records
issue5187When calling plugin functions, errors can appear if they are not present
issue5188When filtering Device Templates, valid matches are not always shown
issue5190When using Gradient Support GPRINT Text Format is misaligned
issue5194CSRF directory needs to be writeable for creating the csrf-secret.php file
issue5195When removing spikes, errors can be recorded for NaN samples
issue5196Gradient support can break Graphs containing special characters
issue5197Unable to obtain realtime graph from remote poller
issue5198Compability Improvements for PHP Diff under PHP 8.x
issue5199When trying to obtain data, cacti should not long Transport Read errors
issue5200Compatibility improvements for Classic Tab images under PHP 8.x
issue5201Weathermaps can have issues rendering with some themes
issue5202When importing packages, Graph Size does not get updated to Graph Templates
issue5203Host Mib Device package can cause errors with NetSNMP scripts
issue5204Compatibility improvements for Audit Database under PHP 8.x
issue5205When using Diff Viewer, rendering is not always correct under certain themes
issue5207Compatibility improvements for Installer under PHP 8.x
issue5208Some i18n strings are not properly translated
issue5209When disabling a user, no log is recorded by xmacan
issue5211When creating a new graph, undefined variable errors may be recorded
issue5214Basic Auth is timing out and logging users off automatically
issue5223When using callback form functions, name and id field may not be correctly set
issue5224When poller runtime is exceeded, time should be display as a rounded number
issue5227When debugging a data source, errors may be shown if no RRDfile created yet
issue5232Polling can appear delayed due to early statistics gathering
issue5236When viewing a graph, Edit Graph Template link may open wrong url
issue5238Searching for Poller Items can generates SQL Errors
issue5239Bulk Walk Maximum Repetitions may sometimes be ignored
issue5241Balance Process Load does not always apply properly
issue5243Template Export missing Graph Template columns `multiple` and `test_source`
issue5245Add additional security to the unserialize function by TheWitness
issue5247Rebuilding Poller Cache from Utilities does not respect poller interval due to lack or ordering

Quelle: Cacti® – The Complete RRDTool-based Graphing Solution

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