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POSTAL 4: No Regerts Update 1.4.0


Entwickler Running With Scissors hat das Update 1.4.0 für Postal 4:No Regerts veröffentlicht.

Postal 4 Patch-Notes:


  • FSR and DLSS Support!
  • Mid-Game titles on the Lifehacker Phone Page!
  • Full Stats Screen! Completing the game will earn you a rank, you can also unlock various badges after fulfilling certain requirements
  • ???
  • More Ongoing Side-Errands!
  • Weapon Cosmetic vending machine!
  • Pigeon poop splat decals!
  • More weapon cosmetics!
  • Turret Going POSTAL Challenge in the Industrial tile (More to come!)
  • NPCs reacting to having physics objects thrown at them!
  • More NPC Interest Points and Vendors throughout the game!
  • Home owners to Prison tile trailers. Be careful when trespassing, you might get shot!

Changed / Improved

  • Set-dressing improvements in many areas of the game
  • Improved debris piles in Pit Boss errand
  • Improved the visuals of bridge / tunnel blockers
  • Improved lighting in The Dam
  • Improved reflections throughout various maps
  • Polished a bunch of first and third-person animations
  • Adjusted the Spray Paint behavior in order to make it more responsive, tweaked the particle effect as well
  • Implemented a short delay between destroying last shit pile and phone overlay popping up during Mexi-Cleaner errand
  • Improved drip particles
  • Foam Hammer will now function as a skin for the Sledgehammer
  • Continued optimisation improvements
  • Improved many HUD icons, updated the Animal Catcher overlay
  • Behavior of Dude idle lines (Won’t trigger if interacting, won’t trigger as long as aiming down sights, etc.)
  • Changed appearance of Fast Travel highlighter in order to make it more visible


  • Lag sometimes occurring after dismembering NPCs
  • Collision issues / mapping errors which could cause you to fall through the world
  • Broken Molotov VR skin
  • Dark Lodge achievement not unlocking
  • Missing dolls
  • Bug where the Dude would equip a weapon after getting off a ladder
  • Super Soaker not reloading automatically when switching ammo types
  • Game unpausing in the menu when toggling options such as Show Outlines and Heat Waves
  • Janky NPCs in Sewer Pump Part room
  • Kunny Island bosses sometimes getting yoinked out of bounds
  • GAG protestors looking into the floor
  • Handcuffed NPCs running away when dismembered. Not being able to dismember body parts when an NPC was handcuffed
  • Fire in very rare scenarios causing the game to freeze
  • Camera breaking during the Fix Race errand
  • Propane tank event not working in the Prison tile crack house
  • Cats running away indefinitely
  • Pissing / pouring Gas on NPCs sometimes causing dialogue spam
  • Machete sometimes being invisible when retrieved from a throw
  • Dude’s text messages not having correct formatting
  • Fixed Low Gravity modifier not working in certain Going POSTAL Challenges
  • Obvious pop-in in The Zag
  • Phone soft-locking the game in very rare cases
  • Many, many more level design, audio and general bugs


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