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AIDE Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment Update 0.18

Unix Shell

Das Sicherheitstool “Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment” (AIDE) ist ein kleines Tool, dass eine Datenbank über konfigurierte Dateien und Verzeichnisse erstellt, anhand derer sich dann Veränderungen an diesen Dateien und Verzeichnissen prüfen lassen um so mögliche Schadsoftware und Eindringlinge festzustellen.

AIDE 0.18 Release Notes

        - remove Prelink support (--with-prelink configure option)
    * Switch from PCRE to PCRE2
    * Enable dynamic linking by default
    * Support multithreading for hashsum calculation
      - add num_workers config option (default to single worker thread)
      - add new '--workers' parameter
      - add new log level 'thread'
      - add new exit code 23 for thread errors
      - add --without-pthread configure option
      - require Autoconf Macro Archive (autoconf-archive)
    * Remove mmap support for hashsum calculation
    * Deprecations (to be removed in the release after next):
        - 'S' attribute is now deprecated, use 'growing+s' attributes instead
        - '@@ifdef', macro is now deprecated, use '@@if defined' instead
        - '@@ifndef', macro is now deprecated, use '@@if not defined' instead
        - '@@ifhost', macro is now deprecated, use '@@if hostname' instead
        - '@@ifnhost', macro is now deprecated, use '@@if not hostname' instead
    * Add new 'growing' attribute
    * Add new 'compressed' attribute
    * Add new log level 'compare'
    * Replace 'S' attribute in '>' compound group with 'growing+s'
    * Add 'report_format' option (available formats: `plain`, `json`)
    * Add @@if macro
    * Add 'exists' boolean function
    * Add 'config_check_warn_unrestricted_rules' option
    * Support restricted rules with empty restriction
    * Add prefix option to directory include macros
    * Add exit code 22 for memory allocation errors
    * Update e2fs attributes to match upstream
      - the 'h' attribute has been removed
      - use `report_ignore_e2fsattrs=VNIE` to ignore read only attributes
    * Support CRLF line-endings in config files
    * Use pkg-config to get link flags
    * Add
    * Improve logging
    * Improve error messages during config parsing
    * Update documentation
    * Minor bug fixes
    * Code clean up

Quelle: Releases · aide/aide (

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