Sophos Firewall CVE-2022-3236 Security Hinweis

Sophos Firewall

Sophos Firewall

Sophos weißt auf eine als kritisch eingestufte Sicherheitslücke hin. Diese ist in CVE-2022-3236 beschrieben und bereits seit September bekannt und ausgenutzt. Die 7 Lücken ermöglichen es einen Angreifer über das User Panel und Webadmin Schadcode z.T. per XSS und SQL-Injection ausführen.

Die Lücken sind in Sophos Firewall OS v19.5.0 GA gelöst.

CVE IDDescriptionSeverity
CVE-2022-3236A code injection vulnerability allowing remote code execution was discovered in the User Portal and Webadmin.Hotfixes for this issue have been released. See https://www.sophos.com/en-us/security-advisories/sophos-sa-20220923-sfos-rce for details.CRITICAL
CVE-2022-3226An OS command injection vulnerability allowing admins to execute code via SSL VPN configuration uploads was discovered by Sophos during internal security testing.HIGH
CVE-2022-3713A code injection vulnerability allowing adjacent attackers to execute code in the Wifi controller was discovered by Sophos during internal security testing.HIGH
CVE-2022-3696A post-auth code injection vulnerability allowing admins to execute code in Webadmin was discovered and responsibly disclosed to Sophos by an external security researcher. It was reported via the Sophos bug bounty program.HIGH
CVE-2022-3709A stored XSS vulnerability allowing admin to super-admin privilege escalation in the Webadmin import group wizard was discovered and responsibly disclosed to Sophos by an external security researcher. It was reported via the Sophos bug bounty program.MEDIUM
CVE-2022-3711A post-auth read-only SQL injection vulnerability allowing users to read non-sensitive configuration database contents in the User Portal was discovered and responsibly disclosed to Sophos by an external security researcher. It was reported via the Sophos bug bounty program.MEDIUM
CVE-2022-3710A post-auth read-only SQL injection vulnerability allowing API clients to read non-sensitive configuration database contents in the API controller was discovered and responsibly disclosed to Sophos by an external security researcher. It was reported via the Sophos bug bounty program.LO

Quelle: Sophos Firewall v19.5 GA Resolves Security Vulnerabilities | Sophos

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