OctoPrint 3D Control und Monitoring Bugfix und Security Update 1.9.0

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Die webbasierte Open-Source Software zur remote Kontrolle und Steuerung von 3D-Druckern, OctoPrint (OctoPrint.org) erhielt das Update 1.9.0.

OctoPrint 3D 1.9.0 Release Notes

OctoPrint’s web interface now requires ES9 (EcmaScript 2018) support in your browser

Up until now OctoPrint still supported running its UI on browsers that only supported EcmaScript 5 as released in 2009. However, given that based on data about used browsers from the Anonymous Usage Tracking 98.96% of all browsers used to access OctoPrint support ES9 and being able to use these features allows things like asynchronous GCODE loading in the viewer (see #4559) and in general very much improves development experience and speed, the decision has been made to greenlight the use of these features in OctoPrint’s JS code base.

Given that pretty much all common browsers have had the required support for several years now, this change should not affect ~99% of all of you. For those 0.15% of you accessing the OctoPrint web interface with ancient browsers that don’t yet have support this means it is time to upgrade. For those 0.89% of you accessing the OctoPrint web interface with browsers for which we do not know about support, it might also be time to upgrade.

In any case, you can check whether your chosen browser supports all the features that OctoPrint uses in core & bundled plugins by going to the new check page at octoprint.org/browser-check/.

Heads-up for plugin and third party application developers: Webcam integration has moved to a plugin interface

OctoPrint 1.9.0 has been refactored to extract the webcam integration into a new plugin type WebcamProvider as well as a _webcam template type. You may find the documentation of these here:

A new bundled plugin Classic Webcam has been created that implements the existing webcam integration (mjpg/hls/beta webrtc support as well as snapshotting).

A consequence of this refactoring is that there’s no longer a general webcam configuration in the settings but rather now there are WebcamProviderPlugin specific settings per plugin. A backwards compatible compatibility layer has been added so that plugin’s accessing any of the formerly available global webcam settings should still be able to access and change the data, however it should be considered deprecated and warnings will be logged. Please check your plugins and adjust as necessary when running on OctoPrint 1.9.0.

Heads-up for plugin developers: octoprint_setuptools has been extracted

In order to support plugin’s that want to use pyproject.toml, in which case current pip versions will build their package in isolated mode, leading to the required octoprint_setuptools dependency not being available and thus the install failing, octoprint_setuptools was extracted into its own pypi package to allow pyproject.toml based plugins to depend on it by adding this to pyproject.toml:

requires = ["setuptools>=40.8.0", "wheel", "octoprint-setuptools"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

This should not affect plugins that don’t use pyproject.toml, however plugin developers are strongly advised to test installing their plugin under 1.9.0 if not already done during the release candidate phase.

Security fixes

Features & improvements

Improvements done during the release candidate phase

Bug fixes

Fixes done during the release candidate phase

Quelle: https://github.com/OctoPrint/OctoPrint/releases/tag/1.9.0

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