Docker Engine Bugfix und Feature Release 25.0 veröffentlicht

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Die Open-Source Containervirtualisierung Docker ermöglicht die Isolierung von Anwendungen in Containern und steht sowohl für Linux, Windows und MacOS zur Verfügung. Die Engine, bzw. Docker -CE erhielt Updates die Fehler korrigieren und zur Stabilität von Docker beitragen.

Docker Engine 25.0 Release Notes


In earlier versions of Docker Engine, recursive mounts (submounts) would always be mounted as writable, even when specifying a read-only mount. This behavior has changed in v25.0.0, for hosts running on kernel version 5.12 or later. Now, read-only bind mounts are recursively read-only by default.

To get the same behavior as earlier releases, you can specify the bind-recursive option for the --mount flag.

docker run --mount type=bind,src=SRC,dst=DST,readonly,bind-recursive=writable IMAGE

This option isn’t supported with the -v or --volume flag. For more information, see Recursive mounts.


Bug fixes and enhancements

Packaging updates



Quelle: https://docs.docker.com/engine/release-notes/25.0/

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