Apache Guacamole 1.5.2 Bugfix Release

Apache Guacamole

Apache Guacamole

Apache Guacamole ist ein Remote Desktop Gateway, dass dank der Nutzung von HTML5, ohne jeglichen Client oder Plugin auskommt. Es kann Verbindungen zu VNC Servern, Servern die das Remotedesktop Protokoll RDP unterstützen, Telnet und SSH Verbindungen aufbauen. Dadurch können Remotedesktopverbindungen von überall aus aufgebaut werden. Es wird lediglich eine Netzwerkverbindung zum Ziel und ein Webbrowser benötigt. Das tolle an Apache Guacamole ist dass es Open-Source ist und unter der Apache Lizenz V2, steht. Wer Apache Guacamole im Businessumfeld einsetzen möchte, der kann auf eine der Supportfirmen für Enterprise Kunden, zurückgreifen.

Apache Guacamole 1.5.2 Release Notes

The 1.5.2 release is a bugfix release that addresses a number of miscellaneous issues, including issues with the Docker images, web application UI, and systems in FIPS mode. For a full list of all changes in this release, please see the changelog below.

The 1.5.2 release is compatible with older 1.x components. You should upgrade older components to 1.5.2 when possible, however things should continue to work correctly in the interim:

Regardless of inter-component compatibility, some Docker environment variables are now deprecated as of 1.5.2. Please see the deprecation / compatibility notes section for more information.


User interface / platform

Docker images

Authentication, integration, and storage

Protocol support / guacd



General housekeeping and cleanup

Deprecation / Compatibility notes

Each 1.x release of Apache Guacamole should be compatible with components of older 1.x releases. This compatibility is intended at the Guacamole protocol level and at the extension level, but not necessarily at the API level. This means:

As of 1.5.2, the following changes have been made which affect compatibility with past releases:


All Docker environment variables used by the guacamole/guacamole image that relate to PostgreSQL have historically been named with the prefix “POSTGRES_”. As of 1.5.2, these variables now use the prefix “POSTGRESQL_” for consistency with guacamole.properties.

Continued usage of the old POSTGRES_* variables will still work, however a warning will be printed in the Docker logs regarding their deprecation. Existing deployments that still use POSTGRES_* should be migrated to POSTGRESQL_* when possible.

Quelle: Apache Guacamole™: 1.5.2

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